Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ry, Sarah and I at El Camborio! 
      Last night was the "Welcome to Granada" party for Erasmus at the discoteca El Camborio. Erasmus is just another word for foreign exchange students. So it was basically a discoteca filled with Americans last night. There was a flip cup tourney, open bar, American pop music... felt a little like I was at a frat party but with Spaniards. We had to take a taxi there since it was semi in the mountains of Granada, apparently in gypsy territory, though we ended up walking back home at the end of the night. 
      My favorite part of the discoteca though had to be the view! It looked over La Alhambra which was lit up with a golden light on the walls. It looked exactly like the background picture of my blog! The view was so amazing. I kept asking myself if I was really partying in Spain looking over La Alhambra- so surreal! 
      When we left, which was apparently early for Spain (3:30a), a mass amount of Spainards were just arriving to the discoteca. It's definitely different from America's bar time of 2:30... loving the time difference in that sense. 
     To work off last night and the meals here in Spain, which include a lot of fried foods, meat, soups and bread, I ran around El Parque de García Lorca which is the most famous park in Granada and it's right next to mi casa! Makes for an easy running route and place to relax, read a book or study. Doesn't compare to the gym nearby which all of the soccer players train at but it will have to do since I want to save as much money possibly for traveling around Europe! Every euro counts! 
     Heading to the movie theatre next to watch Les Miserables in spanish. Should be interesting and entertaining to watch the whole movie in Spanish but I'm excited for it to improve my understanding of this language.
     After the movie, it's another night at the discoteca! One of the girl's in my program has her birthday tomorrow so the whole group will be celebrating with her tonight! Pregaming at the apartment's then heading out to the discoteca for the rest of the night! Apparently it's suppose to rain tonight which the Spainiards hate the rain since they hate getting wet, so there may be less locals at the discotecas tonight but we'll make the most of it! 
Hasta luego! 

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