Friday, January 11, 2013

       I'm beginning to adjust to the Granada life now that I have actual classes and a schedule. With the start of classes, the days seem shorter since I have class straight from 9-1p, same classroom, same profe, same building... needless to say it gets a little boring. For the nights I've just stayed in spending the night with mi familia. This has helped my spanish already, they even told me they're able to understand me better now than when I arrived. I'm also being able to understand them better too. At first they spoke sooo fast and I understood very little but now I understand probably 80% of what they say... I'm hoping to reach 100% by the end of these 5 months- that's my goal!
        After class, for the 2 hours I have before I have to be home for lunch with the family, I've been exploring the city, trying to find my way around. I finally, after searching forever, found the public library so I can check out movies I know, and watch them in spanish. Except trying to communicate ith the librarians proved to be a bit difficult but it all worked out in the end... thankfully! Sadly, the most difficult part was when I tried to exit the building. There was security I had to walk through in order to exit so I walked up to the door and the security guard started to yell something at me... no idea what he was trying to say so I just stopped... he finally came over and pushed the door open... apparently he was just telling me I need to push the door open to exit... so embarrassing.
      Tonight is a "welcome party" for erasmus (basically welcome to granada party for foreign exchange (American) students). I'm pretty sure they're going to have a flip cup tournament even... so American. Before then of course tapas. Been resting up so I'm ready for another night at the discoteca!

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