Sunday, January 20, 2013

Foam Party at the Discoteca El Camborio... best part of the night!
Lauren, Holly and I... love these girls! 

     Even in Spain, I'm spending my Sunday afternoon studying and chilling in a coffee shop. It's the perfect way to wind down from a weekend of tapas and discotecas in Granada! Coffee shops here are different than those in the U.S though. More people come to the cafes to chill and talk rather than to study, especially couples! There are so many couples everywhere and the cafes are no exception. It's actually semi-distracting at times when I'm trying to study and a couple is sitting next to me. Fact: couples here are not afraid to show their affection for each other in public. At times it's adorable and other times it's a little excessive.
      This weekend was our last weekend spent only in Granada for a while. Next weekend we'll be exploring sights and cities around Granada and the weekend after that we'll be in Paris! On Friday, a group of us grabbed dinner at La Sureña (the bucket of cervezas place). We weren't expected it to be as busy as it was so we ended up standing the whole time but it was still fun- definitely going back there again on a Friday but this time earlier. From here we were craving sweets and walking past Wonkandy (a candy store in one of the main plazas of Granada) we couldn't resist so we all filled our own bags of candy which we ended up eating before our next stop.
      Meeting up with others from our program we walked to literally the other side of Granada where the bull fighting arena is located. Here we grabbed drinks at a local bar then we headed down the street to a place for some Karaoke. Holly and I sang to BackStreet Boy's: I Want It That Way. After our song, a few of us took a taxi to the discoteca El Camborio in the Albayzin (upper mountainish area of Granada). The best part of the night happened here... we were dancing and suddenly there's an explosion of foam on the dance floor. One of the workers starts to hand out foam canisters and my friends and i end up with two each. So we of course join in on spraying others with the foam. It felt like everyone had a canister. Everywhere you looked people were spraying others or getting sprayed... even  the bartenders would spray you when you tried to order a drink (or just get a paper towel like me). It was so much fun... by far the best part of the weekend. Of course we were soaking wet after it was well worth it!
     Saturday, we spent the day chilling and at night we went for tapas with the group again. The day was rainy and here in Spain, the people absolutely hate getting wet so the streets and shops were basically deserted. We ended the night at a different discoteca- Granada10. It looked like a theatre inside with different balconies and a stage. Definitely felt more ritzy than other places but it was free entry for ladies so that helped!
    This week is the final full week of classes and then the final for this intensive early start program. Will need to study hard this week and half of next week and then Paris. I'd say that's a pretty motivating goal- study hard with an end goal of a trip to Paris with mis amigas!


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