Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wow! To state it simply: this week has been amazing! I began my work/volunteering at the elementary school Tuesday afternoon. After my first class in the morning (Spanish literature), I spent the next two hours working with second graders on their English, spelling and grammar. Arriving, I had to have a 4th grader direct me to the right teacher and classroom but after that it was smooth sailing! My first task was to lead the class upstairs to their assigned room, which was a little more difficult than it sounds.  The children kept wanting to hold my hands and guide me to the classroom. Both classes on Tuesday and today on Thursday began with the students asking me questions about myself. They were only allowed to speak in English so at times, they found it extremely difficult to form the question. One student today asked what my favorite type of music is, I wanted to respond with Indie but knowing they wouldn’t know what this was, I said “Christmas music”- they loved this! The children then started to serenade me with the song “Last Christmas”. It was probably one of the most adorable things I’ve seen and heard in a long time!
            Both days I have left the school with a huge smile on my face. There’s just something amazing with teaching and working with children- especially when you see them learning from you! To top it off, as I was walking out, the children wouldn’t stop hugging me and holding my hand. Then as I left, a boy ran by and yelled “bye teacher!”- it was just too adorable.  Every week until the end of the semester (May), I will teach English to these students on Tuesdays and Thursdays- I’m so excited and thrilled for this opportunity!
            On Wednesday, I participated in a psychology study of memory at the University of Granada. I was paid £8 to participate in a 40 min session that examined my memory skills. I had to read sentences aloud in English and then state the last word of the sentences when asked. It was actually difficult at times to remember solely the last word of all of the sentences I was given and asked to read. However, it was all worth it since I got paid! Though I had to walk all the way up to the campus, which was a 40 min walk and all uphill- the view of Granada was spectacular at the University! I was able to see all across the city of Granada as well as the mountains- so beautiful!
            Though today was Valentine’s Day, I feel as though every day is Valentine’s Day in Spain. There are just so many couples displaying their love and affection for each other every day and all over! To celebrate Valentine’s Day (or as in Spain, El Día de San Valentino), a group of girls and I went to a pizzeria and ordered to pizzas in the shape of a heart. Plus, I stopped by a local candy shop and bought myself some chocolate and cherry gummy hearts.
            Tomorrow our entire study abroad group is heading to Seville and Cordaba for the weekend! Should be a fun experience since we’ll be taking a bus from here (Granada) to these cities and then back on Sunday night! Ready for another weekend of traveling and exploring Spain!

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