Sunday, December 30, 2012

First blog post of my very first blog... here goes nothing!
   It's two days before my traveling abroad begins for 5 months and I, of course, am getting nervous yet excited! So many people have told me I need start a blog before I depart so I can record the entire studying abroad experience. As I said, this is my first blog so we'll see how this goes, I'm hoping well!

     In two days I leave for my host country Spain where I will stay with a host family. Mi madre's name is Dolores and mi padre's name is Jesus. They have four children, the youngest being 27 years of age and a english teacher while the others live away from home. I have to say I was a little relieved when I found out their daughter was a english teacher. Though my goal of studying in Spain is to learn the language, it will be helpful to have someone there in the family who speaks english, though I'm not sure if mis padres speak all spanish and no english.
     In school I'm studying Environmental Sociology: majoring in sociology and double minoring in environmental studies and spanish, thus the reason why I chose to study abroad in Spain- I needed to stay in a country that had español as their native tongue. Though I could have studied in South America, I have always wanted to explore Europe.
     I'll be abroad for close to 5 full months. I'm decided to participate in the Early Start program for Spain so I will be abroad a full month earlier to learn the language more extensively (which, honestly, I'm a little nervous for). Of course it will all be worth it so I can arrive back in the States semi-fluent in spanish, hopefully!
     As I said, the reason for me choosing Spain as my host country was so I could travel around Europe which I'm planning on doing on the weekends and breaks. I know of one excursion my program will definitely be taking and that's to Morocco, Africa! Other countries/places I would love to visit include: Paris, Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Prague and of course around Spain!
    Traveling in the past, I know there can be a lot of "hiccups" throughout the journey (especially for me). I have been known to have numerous "memorable" moments due to both good and bad luck. While abroad before, I have actually thought these events would make for an entertaining blog. So, I'm hoping this blog can capture everything, the good and bad!